Why Me?

Why did I have to be born a twin when everyone else is normal and gets to get away from their family during school.

Answer #1

I’m a twin, and to me it’s not much different then her just being a sister, you know. Although, we havent lived together since… ninth grade, we still act like sisters, fighting and what not. Dont feel bad for your self, 2293 made a great point!! haha. in all seriousness it gets better as you age!!

Answer #2

not at all, its just a battle for him, to try to be better/cooler than me in school, at least well be going to different high schools

Answer #3

ah…you dont know half of what I go through lol I am a triplet and they are guys and we have the same homerooms,some classes together,ride on the same bus and oh yea our lockers are right next to each other… sometimes its fun but other times its crappy and they embarress you but I kinda have a good relationship with them but they have a better connection because they are identical boys and then me! a girl and we dont look a like lmafo…so just know you have it easy

Answer #4

You will probably be able to seperate more when you get into high school and are able to take a larger variety of different classes, and for example, you could take Chemistry as your science, and he could take Anatomy or something. You can take classes so that you are not together so much.

You need to learn to appreciate your brother! = ]

Although I DO understand your frusteration, I also know that my twin brother died, and I would do anything to be able to see him all the time… or even once!

Being a twin is a gift, not a curse.

Enjoy having a twin, as there are so many of us who never got to meet theirs.

Answer #5

hopefully if he gets into the highschool he wants

Answer #6

gets to get away?? what do you mean?? you cant get away from your family or something??do you not go to school?? but being a twin should be amazing tho..

Answer #7

see?? everyone thinks its cool being a twiin..!!

Answer #8

ohhh…I get it.. isnt that cool tho??

Answer #9

awwwhhh… are u in middle schhoool?? I can understandd… I hope high school will be better for u..I know it will be..

Answer #10

no I mean my bro goes to my school so hes there all the time

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