Why is my pee foggy?

Hello, ummm about five minutes ago I used the washroom and my pee was foggy… Umm I am a girl if that helps anyone. I just want to know what this could mean. I have heard before that it COULD be sign of your period coming soon but I remember a while back the same thing happens so I don’t believe it is my period. And I have never had one before… ( a period )

um I don’t know of this helps but it was the normal yellow but like tinted with white foggy stuff.. If that makes sense.. Lol

thank you in advance, Sam

Answer #1

Um no she hasn’t , and for he period thing.. Well I’m not too sure cause this has happens before.

Thanks again , Sam

Answer #2

It could be your period is coming up. But it could also be because you’re slightly dehydrated? Have you been drinking enough water?

Answer #3

Did your mom just wash the toilet? it could be the wash products she used.

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