Why Is life so hard?

Why Is life so hard?

Answer #1

You have to live it hot… When it’s hot it melts and then it’s not hard anymore.

Answer #2

Life is what you make of it…everybody goes through their own struggles. There are some things I wouldn’t discuss about my own past, publicly, that on rare occassion, give me nightmares.

All I can say is think positive, keep your head up, and work to enjoy your life & the people who love you.

Answer #3

My theory isn’t that life is too hard but that it is too easy. If we had to live in earlier times success in life meant survival, shelter and getting enough for you and your family to eat. Now that life is easy we create our own difficulties. We aren’t happy unless we have the right house, the right car, the right computer, etc. where before we would be happy not to be cold and starving.

I think the key to happiness is to be happy with what you got. There is nothing wrong with striving for more but always find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Answer #4

Life can be difficult because of the constant changes. It seems that once a person has found a comfort zone an outside force comes along and disrupts it. One can not predict when and what the change may be. It is better to understand that everything is temporary and accept that sooner or later all things pass. The good and the bad. The hard part is to hold onto your core values in times of stress.

Answer #5

Dear prema, I hear this from a lot of people who aren’t organized. Things get overwhelming when we see the big picture. We manage it by taking small sections of this picture and work on a bit at a time. Break things up into catagories such as relationships, finances, school, work etc. Take one at a time. You’d be surprised how some sections are easy to figure out and the ones that seem more difficult can be addressed by a professional or with a little planning can seem all of a sudden easy. Sue…good luck

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