Why is it so hard for me to be happy?

how come I find it so hard to be happy ? like when I am happy it wears me out and then I feel less happy when im back to my plainn old self.

Answer #1

hmm..happiness is a choice…you can choose to be happy… try noticing the small good things that happen to you and appreciate it…gudluck:)

Answer #2

Sometimes you can’t become happy, or get happy. there are many stages in life were sometimes you cannot change anything about it. Yet, there are many things that are in your life that might be causing this. Maybe some family history, or perhaps just thoughts that have taken over your mind. You can’t let emotions control you. They are like waves and roller coasters, one day your ok, then the next day your sad again. You gotta rely on yourself. On your decisions. If you wanna have a good day, you can, just decide to. ;) its hard at first but later on if you are patient enough, you’ll master it.

Answer #3

I find your question very interesting.

Apparently whatever makes you happy is quite the effort, but short lived. Maybe try something enjoyable that doesn’t require so much energy?

Sorry for such a short answer, but not much to go on so far…

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