Why is he boring and how can I change it?

so, whenever I go to my boyfriends house, he’s always horny and thats all he talks about, and he’s barely flirty, slowy becoming more flirety but not enough. and we’ve been going out for 3 months and somthing, and he just doesnt understand the point in bonding, he thinks that we must have sex everysingle time were together, and I dont want to leave him because I love him, and I know thats not all he is about, I just cant get him to show his true side, and take a break from the sex. one of my friends had boughten us condums before then we ran out and, so I had to go by my own, and he dosnt understand how dirty it made me feel to have to go through the chek out and have some lady ring them up for me,even though im of age and stuff, it was still weird, what should I do.

Answer #1

What makes you think he has another side? If I was a woman I would expect to be treated right from the outset, and yet you have given your body to this guy, who seems to have about the same going on between his ears as a pre pubescent school boy.

Answer #2

Well how bout you sit down and talk to him. Tell him how you really feel and that you don’t just want to have sex. You can suggest for you guys to go out and do some stuff like roller skating. Or if you’re at his house you guys can play a board game and maybe that’ll help you guys bond. Just do more stuff togethor that you both like then everything won’t just be about sex.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice