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Why has he stop?
ok in my other questions I’ve been trying to get back with my ex … he use to text me til he fall asleep he was the clingy boyfriend when we went out wich I loved but now weve been broken up and I was alil scared to get back with him so I broke his heart many times but im so sorry I did so im trying to show him im soo sorry and then he went back to texting me pretty much all day but now hes stopd maybe because hes grandpa is in the hospital maybe I don’t know because when he first got put in there he texted me all day pretty much I was at a race so it was hard to text… I don’t know im so in love with this boy and I just feel like im the bigest b.I.t.ch to him and so my question is
how do I stop being a bi.t.c.h to him? why has he stopd texting me is he maybe just dont want to be with me? how do I get him any tips wld be soo great please im so hurt at this point I just hate getting up in the moring please help???
well for about a week I mean he has his sweet moments but I have to text him thn it seems like he dont want to talk to him and when I ask him he says hes fine and he also stop sayn he loves me I think that is wht scares me the most becz I’ve tried moving on and yea it didnt work at all… I prob am overreatcing its just with him im soo paronoid that im gna lose him I want to marry him when I get legal age… oh last satuday he told me he wantd to be my date to this dance thing and I told him only if he took me back or was single I wont gna have my dance be sad and he said trust me I have a gut feeling either well be 2gether or il be single trust me… so im guessing that was gud UGH… I don’t know be honest do you think im just being overreacting to it? ikow I prob sound like sum drama queen bout this I just cant help it … =…( and yea he prob does forgive me but he is prob super scared ima hurt him again and when he puts his gaurd up its soo hard to get it down again…
I think I might be one of the most qualified person to answer this. why? Because I have the exact samething going on with me. exempt im on the other end. 1. try just acting like things were the way before. sometimes we just have to move on. 2. how long sense he stopped? you might be over reacting. 3. remember, if hes texting you it means he has forgiven you. theres nothing to feel bad about.
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