Why go after me?

A guy (dayuum fine) who watches me from his house, wont stop staring at me, talks about me, asks about me. He always tries to act like a tough guy around me, everyone knows who he is, one of thee hottest guys, all of my friends crush on him. Im not sure if he likes or not he acts weird around me, he always hangs around me, I just dont know why he would go after me though. I’m different from all the other girls, + im not some lil anorexic, bulimic, tities on a stick thing. So does he like me or not?

Answer #1

he probably just wants to get laid, or thinks he can lay you easier then the “other” girls”. If he liked you for you he wouldn’t try acting that way, he would just be himself, he knows he has to act like that around the other girls but if he know you are not like the other girls then he is just faking

Answer #2

well it seems like it, considering he watches you from his house…which is a little but of stalker-like behavior, and kinda creepy… ha but still, sounds like he really does.

Answer #3

she’s seeking attention-wanting us to know that she’s pretty and guys are running mad after her! what a laugh!

Answer #4

oh and another thing:

I just dont know why he would go after me though. I’m different from all the other girls, + im not some lil anorexic, bulimic, tities on a stick thing.

I think you just answered your own question.[:

Answer #5

he wants to get a little bang bang skeet skeet, knaw mean?

Answer #6

…prettty scarlet, hmm compliment or insult exactly? Thanxs anyways =P

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