Why doesnt anything happen when I masterbate?

Alright well im like 15 years old, and I heard about the whole orgasam thing from my friends. I was never really into it, but they said it was amazing and you can do it yourself. So I looked it up and I did everything it said to do. Relax. Play with yourself. Blah blah blah. But when I get that feeling that your about to pee, and you tighten up and everything. Isnt that when you have an orgasam? But nothing happens. Arnt you supposted to cum, or something? But when it happeneds nothing comes out or anything. I need help..

Answer #1

Yeah I have the same problem but when I didn’t stop when I had that pee urge I actually did pee lol. So I don’t know what to tell you I mean well I use one of those electric razors. I take the top of, the blade part, and it should have a little piece that spins when you turn it on. It’s like a really high powered vibrator plus it’s more quieter than one to but that usually gives me and orgasm you can try and see if that helps.

Answer #2

The experts say you may not cum when you orgasm so if you feel good you probably are having an orgasm but if you don’t feel good, I don’t know what to tell you

Answer #3

When you get the feeling that your about to pee don’t stop that means your close to having an orgasm just keep it up.

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