Why does no one get married before they have sex? Seriously!

ok so why is it that no one gets Married before they have sex? If they dont wait why do they get Married at all. Nothing is different and nothing is certainly new! I think that if you sleep with one person before you get married what is stopping you from sleeping with everyone you meet! It is nothing its just sex and today a lot of people dont even know what they are doing. Sex was created by God between a married couple to bear children and to pro create the world! And serioulsy why are there 13 and 14 year olds worring about sex! your just kids!

Answer #1

I agree with you on why younge teens and kids are worring about sex, but as far as adults having sex before marriage, it does not mean you will sleep with everyone and anyone you come in contact with. Some people just have different beliefs and thoughts on the matter. And yes marriage is sacret and so is sex but marriage means a lot more than just sex. As far as God coming into the picture, ummm think about you say he made it for a married couple but adam and eve were NOT MARRIED. And marriage means a lot of different things. Back in time when God was around marriage didnt mean what it does today. Marriage now is a piece of paper thats it. But marriage is far more than that and back then there was no man to marry a man and a women. In my eyes marriage does not mean hvaing a big party wearing a white dress getting up in front of everyone and anouncing your love for somene and then signing a paper. It just lets everyone else no how you feel. And as far as a ring, how does jewlery sympolize love and marriage seriously some people are just so confused. Marriage is a bond between 2 people who love eachother and make eachother whole. I have been in a serious relationship now for 3 years and we consider ourselves married and weather anyone thinks differently thats there problem. We have no ring and have no paper and we didnt have a ceromony but we DID make a vow to eachother WITH eachother that we will remain faithful to one and other and respect one another just like a wedding. So honestly think about what marriage means and what God really ment by it because back then it wasnt like it is today. And marriage isnt just for a man and women either.

Answer #2

I don’t think its about a ring either! It;s about spending your life with one person the difference between a vow to eachother(which is great to have) and a vow to God means that you invite God into your relationship. Adam and Eve your right were not married and I never thought of that, but God created Adam and eve to be able to spend forever in paradise with Him but because of their sin they were cast out. therefore they didnt live their lives the way God inteded them. If they did not sin who knows what God would have had in store for them, that we will not know until we reach heaven. I am a roman Catholic and I believe in a Marriage between a man and a women that is something I am sure of. When Adam and Eve were created God created Eve to be a companion for Adam it was a women for a man. Not a man for a man or a women for a women/ Gay people are people and I have no hatred towards them at all but I have a ton of problems with their life styles!

Answer #3

You said it there your self that a marriage is a vow between 2 people and a vow to god it doesnt mean they have to make that vow in front of other people or have someone sign a paper. Because all it is a vow between you, your spouse and God if you wanna join other people you can but you dont have too. People in society today have complicated it so much to make people think the only way is a BIGGG wedding and a signed paper. They are wrong in my eyes, because I believe I am married and maybe one day we will have a ceromny to anouce our love to other people. And for someone people there really isnt a God per say its whatever you believe in your own heart.

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