Why does my period smell so strong?

Why does my period smell so strong?

Answer #1

DO NOT DOUCHE. The reason your period smells so strong is probably because you have a lot of iron in your blood.

Try using tampons or scented pads. but DO NO DOUCH. It’s so bad for your vagina. It destroys the natural ph balance that your vagina has.

Also you could keep some feminine wipes with you to help for the smell.

Answer #2

you can try useing a dush with like viniger and water even when your on your period it will help get rid of some of the old blood up there that would be making the smell. tampons are great too. when the blood on a pad starts to smell. get some wipes and keep in your bathroom too.

Answer #3

I wouldnt use vinnager I would just use warm water. Vinnager might give you an infection

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