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Why does he stare at me?
I just moved to this new school a month or two ago, and to say the least, my friends aren’t very popular. So I saw this guy who I now really like. Him and I don’t share any classes, and I don’t know much about him, but I’m pretty sure he’s at least mildly popular. I think he likes me, and he stares at me during lunch, in the halls, and on the bus, but never when his friends are around. I have a feeling his friends wouldn’t like it if he went out with someone not very popular…should I just forget him? Is the staring even considered flirting?
I think he likes you … im pretty shy too, but I always try to make eye contact just for a second and smile or something … maybe sit next to him on the bus. as for the friends when you get close enough ask him about it and if he does care what his friends think tell him straight up that he deserve someone like you
The problem is, I’m so f*ckin shy and I have low self esteem, like every other girl, I guess. I keep trying to work up the courage to talk to him, but I just can’t. Dx
He probably does like you. Try to talk to him. Screw the friends, if you two get to know eachother and find that you like eachother, then you guys should date.
I was in the saame situation except that he just got kicked out
I’ll give you a few tips
1.] if he constantly stares at you and you like him don’t be afraid to smile back at him
2.]if you’re in school or colage or ext.if you are only ever in one class with him he might try to go places with you with his friend secretly [or if you see eachother]
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