Why does he hate me?

I was in a relationship with a guy,a good one, but after He ended the relationship he went from being super nice to being a super jerk? When I sent him a text or an IM, thinking we could still be friends, He would reply Shut up or dont talk to me. Why dos he hate me>?

Answer #1

I’d act the same way when I would break up with a guy. I did it to distance myself from that person so I could get over the relationship easier. after a while, when I felt that I was over the person, I would become friends with them again. now I have 3 friends and not 3 exes.

Answer #2

Because he is immature and hurtful. It can’t have been a good relationship when someone talks to you that way. Don’t ever let someone put you down like that. Walk away and forget him.

Answer #3

Because he is no longer with you, and he doesnt like you anymore. Thats how immature boys handle ex’s.

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