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Many of your body parts come in twos: eyes, limbs, reproductive organs, kidneys ect. Its all evolution and survival of the fittest. If you loose one of these there is always a back up to keep you surviving. The human body is amazing.
You NEED two kidneys- it’s less work for them to filter your blood if there are two. You can survive with one functioning one, but it has to work harder, you have to eat healthier, and you have to drink a lot more water. You’re also more prone to kindey infections with just one.
just in case one stops working and you wouldnt know when it stops working it could take 24 hours for you to feel pain and by then you would be dead if you only had one and just a few nice punches to the left or right side of your spine could cause one to stop working properly requiring surgery to remove it
What is hpv type two ? - 1 Answers
What is hpv type two. My sister has it and she has to go to get surgry. Is it just too lesson it or can she ever get rid of it.
Why do I have two mozzie bites on my boobs? - 2 Answers
I randomly have two mozzie bites on my boobs, they are itchy but they don't look like mozzie bites..
Can you get pregnant a week or two before your period? - 2 Answers
Is it possible to get pregnant a week or two before your expected period?
Why did I have two periods? - 1 Answers
why did I have two periods four days apart in the same month?
Two years off depo and still no period? - 1 Answers
Its been two years off depo..and I still have no period. I heard that when you live with another woman your periods start run...
Im losing my appetite every two weeks - 1 Answers
Ok so I have noticed a pattern in my eating habit. I go without food for two weeks. Then in the following two weeks l pig out...
Is it possible for two teeth to share one root? - 1 Answers
firstly a few years ago i had a lump on the inside of my teeth but on the top of my mouth and i was just wondering if it is p...
Have you ever tried to mix two different toothpaste? - 1 Answers
When your brush your teeth have you ever tried to mix two different toothpaste to see if it works better. Tell me any combina...
why do I have two different lumps on the lip of my vag? - 1 Answers
im wondering because I have gotten two different lumps on the lip of my vag. that went away but there was nothing I could hav...
Grow only two years after your period ? - 4 Answers
Is it true that you grow only two years after your period ?
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