Why do they hurt my eyes?

I was chatting with someone through comments and every time I go to the persons page,that persons background color hurts my eyes,it’s a bright color. Why do bright colors hurt my eyes?

Answer #1

the cones that recieve bright light in your eyes are malnurished. you should try getting some vitamins. I forgot which but if you take that vitamin your eyes should be well enough to not hurt.

Answer #2

it could be being in a dark room then a bright light suddenly hitting your eyes

its like waking up and opening the curtains … it hurts your eyes for acouple of seconds

its nothing to worry bout

Answer #3

Well. It’s the certain light that it puts out that your eyes are sensitive too. I say: before going on to their profile turn down the brightness on your computer screen. It’ll help a lot. (: Good luck. Hope I helped(:

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