Why do they avoid talk me?

I like this girl. And she talked to me for awhile, but she won’t talk to me anymore, it’s like she is avoiding me. I don’t understand why. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Answer #1

yeah I got same problem to girls cant live with them cant live without them haha

Answer #2

Maybe she has a boyfriend outside of school or something? Or maybe her parents told her she can’t have a boyfriend or something. Or maybe she is just stuck up and thinks she’s too good for you. If this is the case then there are millions of more girls out there, who will give you the time of day! Don’t get upset about it, just stop giving her any attention and see what she does. She might go the other way and start trying to talk to you. Girls are fickle beings!!

Answer #3

Hi hun, you probably aren’t doing anything wrong! I’m sure you’re a sweet guy and this girl doesn’t know what she’s missing. However, she might be shy and be waiting for you to approach her, or maybe her friends are pressuring her not to like you etc. I’ve seen this in teenage girls before. Or perhaps it has to do with her parents and they don’t want her dating just yet. By the way, what are you doing to get her attention? Just trying to talk to her at school, etc? Try leaving her a little poem or a letter somewhere where she will find it.

Answer #4

Yeah, I talk to her, but it just seems like she is trying to avoid me

Answer #5

yeah I have the same problem, I like love this girl at my school but when I asked her out she went and talked to her friends, then she had one of her friends give me a note that said, “im really sorry but I cant.” now she like avoids me. so im on the same boat.

Answer #6

Maybe you should force her? :) I think it might be her friends, as most people are highly influenced by their friends.. which is kind of suck-ish… Who says there’s anything wrong with forcing? ;) Just ; try to get her on her own… when her friends aren’t around. Walk up to her and ask her directly what’s wrong.. why she won’t talk to you. I like the poem/ letter idea too.. cheesy but sweet. And most girls like that. But if you do that and she humilliates you, by posting it on some sort of blog that the whole school can see to make fun of you (jesus… I’m going really american tv/ movie here aren’t I?! ) basically… just tell her the way you feel and ask her why she won’t talk to you. I better stop rambling on now! Tell her the truth! She might be a stuck - up cow that thinks she’s too good for you.. and in that case, you deserve better. Listen to musleemah.. they give good advice! Good Luck :) x

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