Why do my friends never include me?

My friends only include me on the rarest occasions. I want to find new friends but its too hard. Whenever im at the lunch table I just sit there while they talk and organize events and leave me out.

Answer #1

They are not really your friends!! :)

Answer #2

maybe they think you’re a creep? jkjkjk:)

Answer #3

justr try to find new ones they cant really be your friends doin that

Answer #4

I’m sorry to say this but these are signs that they do not consider you as a real friend. My advice is that you go and look for better friends, don’t just look around and think it won’t work with anyone. See many people judge me by the way I dress but I have tons of friends that are way different than me but we tend to understand each other and get along. People shouldn’t just focus on the physical, try talking to people around you in your classes you never know what you might learn from people you have never talked to. I know it seems like you need lots of friends now but as you grow up you also grow apart, ever since I graduated from high school I lost contact with all my friends but you only have the chance to make new ones if you take a stand and put yourself out there, it took hard work for me to get adapted to my college as a loner but next thing you know random people began talking to me and now they are my friends. So I say you either talk to them and tell them how you feel or you try to make new friends that will know how to honor your friendship.

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