Why do mums ...

Why do mums make you come in at a certain tym when your only across the fu*kin road its annoying xx x

Answer #1

no clue lol then again whenever I cross my road I always end up nearly running into a car lol. no cluee..

Answer #2

lol I know rite my rents just gave up lol and im only 14 bt its because teenagers are more likly to do bad things at nite

Answer #3

maybe because she loves you cares about and doesnt want you to get hurt so she set a curfew and expects you to be home by that time so she can go to sleep knowing your safe one day when shes gone you might appreciate all that shes doing for you and maybe when you have a kid of your own you’ll understand more

Answer #4

It’s a curfew, and it doesn’t matter where you are…you are to be in the house by a specific time each night.

It’s called discipline and more teens these days could actually use some.

Answer #5

Ugh,I know how you feel. Well,I don’t go out anymore,due to the lack of people around where I live. When I was little I always asked for 5 more minutes,and it went to about half an hour. But yeah,it’s a curfew. Until you’re 18,you have to go by it. Your mother cares for you and loves you,and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. Just remember that.

Answer #6

because that’s parenting for you.

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