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Why do guys lie?
Every guy I’ve ever met has lied to me. my ex of 4 years was cheating for almost a year (I JUST found out). and a new guy that I met lied and said he was single, and wanted me, but really had a girlfriend. WHY??? I dont get it.
You’re either very naive, or you need to raise your standards. You may, for some reason, be attracted to the wrong type of guys.
like bubux007, has said…it’s for the same damn reasons that us girls lie!! and if you want to deal with them or avoid them… I suggest following orangutanuk’s tips =)
People lie. Boys and girls are pretty much the same.
The way to deal with it is to take the moral high ground. Be civilised. Be gentle, kind, intelligent, firm, dignified, and assertive. PHEW All that.
Don’t be aggressive, manipulative, or passive. Don’t tell lies yourself.
It makes you feel much better.
Why do stupid little girls fall for them? And why do stupid little girls always think that all guys are the same?
yes I know guys can be pigs and *ssholes…but try not to think all guys are…I consider mysself a nice guy…my girlfriend loves me and I dont lie..infact I hate CHEATERS…but not just that girls will lie also and try to get more then one guy…its just how some people are..you can’t change them…but you can try ;)
Not all guys lie, and girls actually lie just as much or even more than some guys do. It’s not as much about gender as it is about the individual.
A lot of guys are not mature as well as girls. It is just human nature to want more than one mate. People like that are just selfish and care only appease that instinct even if it does mean hurting or destroying their relationship.
Lol, looks like I hit a nerve. I couldn’t care less about your age, that has no relevance to being a little girl. And forgive me for not caring about your question fully. I looked at your topic title and answered accordingly. Thanks for attempting to make me feel bad in my question, lol.
What you should really be mad at is the fact that you talked about your age, and not me judging your stupidity.
they want it all, but since they know that that’s not possibel, they try 2 appeal 2 as many girls as possible. this is just me, but many guys want a TEAM of girls on call whenever they want to go out, or get physical..=(
on tv sitcoms, they always use the term “Booty Call” and “Little Black Book” together, some guys can be such pig-headed jerks!
The reason is the same why girls lie.
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