Why have food prices increased?

Why do food prices increased?

Answer #1

I don’t even know where to begin… The cost of buying a house has gone up, the gas is rediculous, and now groceries tooo. This country is going nowhere really fast… I am constantly wishing that I was born back when my grandparents were born, then I would be dead now or almost dead… I hate to sound so negative, but whatever happend to a man being able to go get a factory job and being able to support his whole family on that income. And what happend to women working only if they really wanted too, but were able to stay home and raise their children if that is what they wanted. Now, regardless of what most women want for their children, it is a 2 income society. Women are now forced to abandon their responsibilieties as a mother and a home maker and forced to work to help their husbands, whom are also now underpaid, to pay bills and put food on the damn table. Land of Opportunity, I think not, maybe it was… a lonnng time ago, but not anymore. Our children are being raised by schools and day care programs, they aren’t being taught anything about family values and structure… They see their parents for maybe a couple of hours at night monday through friday and if they are lucky may get to spend one weekend day with them (that’s if the father hasn’t taken on a second job to make up for the increase in the cost of living)… I hope and pray that this country will start to get better, but I fear that when my 9 year old boy and my 4 month old little girl are grown, well, let’s just say, I don’t even want to think about what they are going to have to go through to simply put food on the table to feed my grandchildren. Somethings got to give here… I just don’t know what or when it is going to be.

Answer #2

I don’t know about there – but here, minimum wage just went up so a lot of prices went up too.

Answer #3

Food prices increase because of increased gas prices. Semi drivers have to deliver the food which takes gas and it makes their paycheck go up, so increased food prices have to pay for semi drivers.

Answer #4

Agreed with iowagrrl2008.

The only thing I’d add is that with a crop like corn, the price has also gone up because of the increased demand for ethanol.

Answer #5

Passed on Fuel costs, supply and demand.

Answer #6

to get lot and loads af money

Answer #7

to get more money

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