Why can't I be pretty..?

I’m 14 and I’m seriously depressed about my looks. I’m 5”4 and 124 lbs but don’t look like it at all. I have a huge gut that makes me look pregnant, my nose is too wide,I have acne breakouts too often and everywhere,annnd I’m in a size 34A bra. I break down crying sometimes just because I feel ugly and it’s upsetting me. I may have friends and a boyfriend who love me and tell me I’m beautiful,but that doesn’t matter to me. I want to be attractive to everyone. People who are going to say things like “It doesn’t matter how you look,you should just hang out with the people who think you’re pretty anyway” or “Just be happy with what you have”,please,keep it to yourself. Nothing anyone says can change my mind.

Answer #1

Look, I know you don’t want to hear this… but im sure you are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. We all have our imperfections.. NO ONE is perfect. If you are so insecure… focus on something you do like about your self. Maybe you have beautiful eyes… or gorgeous hair. You cant change the way you look sweetie… EVERYONE hates something about their selves… even if they appear to be the most confident vain person EVER! So honestly, accept the way you are. You have friends and a boyfriend… you should be happy about that. Not everyone is that lucky. Would you rather be alone and “beautiful” or have friends and actually BE beautiful… because YOU ARE! =] Kirsty x

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