why are some people you give advice to so ungreatful?

2 days ago I gave someone on here advice, later for her to basicaly say I dont have a clue what im taking about. I was only trying to help her, she didnt need to use my advice if she didn’t want to and if she thought she knew better than me then why did she post the question in the first place?!? some people are so ungreatful

Answer #1

I dont know mabey they were just in a bad mood or somthing just dont take it personly!!

Answer #2

Nature of the internet…as long as you were being helpful, if they are extremely rude, feel free to click ‘report abuse’ and we’ll look into it.

Answer #3

don’t take it personally, like thedude pointed out, it’s the nature of being on the internet…

oh and I just do want to add something…sometimes people do not read the actual question asked and ventures into an area that has nothing to do directly with the topic and well…that leads to frustration.

other then that, ignore it, or if it was really rude, click on report abuse and admin will look into it for you.

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