Why are people so ignorant and rude about politics?

I was just reading through some questions about the election and wow..are people ignorant…whats the need for it? If you make the choice to vote for someone, thats your choice and no one elses business right? Whats the point of saying “if you vote for (whoever) your a stupid moron with no common sense” OK PEOPLE, everyone has DIFFERENT beliefs and DIFFERENT OPINIONS. has everyone forgotten thats what makes the world go round? How boring would it be if everyone was the same? Just because theyre not voting for obama or mccain does not make anybody a bad person, OR stupid for that matter. Its all in what policies YOU think are important. Does anyone agree

Answer #1

Agree - the vile displays of hateful, immature language used is amazing - pitiful attempt at trying to impress while knowing nothing and/or ignoring the issues - they think it makes them look BIG, when in reality, ‘extremely small’.

Answer #2

If a person is ignorant to a topic, then their OPINION of said topic is ALSO ignorant.

its just what they think and its harmless

Not harmless… if they spread those lies to other impressionable minds (fanaticism, terrorism, etc.) Regarding these political issues; a person who without shame, deliberately spreads lies with the intent to deceive, is doing a BAD thing. So by default, YES… they are a BAD person for doing so.

Answer #3

I’ve been around longer than most here and something I’ve noticed is that every presidential election seems to be more vicious than the last.

I don’t know what the endgame is here. If the trend continues I don’t see how we can have any sort of meaningful discussion of policy and vision.

Answer #4

I meant to say DOES NOT mean, im not contradicting myself, sorry- typo, it does happen. I apoligize.

Answer #5

I dont see how but ok. my main point is that someones opinion does not make them stupid or a bad person. its just what they think and its harmless

Answer #6

FYI- you cant lie about an opinion…if im talking about people’s opinions here what does that have to do with lying…dont comment on my question anymore I just asked this to get real answers from people k thanks.

Answer #7

umm the first comment you made on here I figured was directed towards amblessed and it didnt really have anything to do with my question…so thats why I got confused, um I guess im not looking at this the same way you are so im just not going to say anything else :)

Answer #8

Follow up question: Why do certain people spread LIES about politics?

cough …talk about extremely small…

Answer #9

Since when have people respected other peoples opinions? I think some people need to stop whinning. shooot. If I think someone says something idiotic about something I believe in, than I’m going to back it up. Take amblessed answers for example.

Answer #10

shut up captainassassin. that doesnt answer the question that I asked. find something better to do.

I guess you must be guilty of that too, hmm?

Yes it DOES answer the question… ONE reason people are rude, is because OTHER people are LIARS (also rude). They get caught LYING over and over and over, but they never admit to it, and keep on LYING. So, WHY should we be polite to someone who has diminished their own credibility to ZERO, and deserves ZERO respect?

Answer #11

Sorry but I dont understand where your getting the whole thing about lies from…im not spreading lies here and im not talking about people spreading lies…im just saying, for example: say someone is voting for obama, even though some people dont like him. it doesnt make the person voting for him 1) stupid 2) bad person etc… Its their choice and its what they believe in Thats the only point im bringing up here Not sure where this is all coming from Have a good night

Answer #12

I was just reading through some questions about the election and wow..are people ignorant…

just because something someone says is not what YOU believe in does mean they are stupid.

…contradict much?

dont comment on my question anymore I just asked this to get real answers from people

…real answers… meaning… answers that you agree with… riiight… real…

Answer #13

This wasnt meant to be an argument and I’m not the type to argue so I will be the one to end it and say sorry MY BAD

Answer #14

shut up captainassassin. that doesnt answer the question that I asked. find something better to do.

Answer #15

crosses arms

Okay then…

Answer #16

I back that up 100 percent.


Answer #17


I know you meant ‘DOES NOT’ …and WITH the ‘not’ added… the two lines are contradictory.

Answer #18

lets face it, people can become fanatical over just about anything that has us “choose a side”. look at what happens at the sporting events around the world. riots at soccer matches, fans getting into fights. some idiot inthe town where I live pulled a guy out of his car and beat him with a baseball bat in front of his wife and kids, just because he had a Yankee bumper sticker on his car. this election has two candidates so far apart that sides are certainly being chosen, and people are getting fanatical, especially over obama, whose rant of “change” has gotten a lot of people to get behind him. now look how thay call the NFL season a ‘campaign”. the teams fight it out for a long time , displaying their strengths while hopefully exposing their opponents weaknesses. just like this presidential campaign has been as contentious, and I’ll bet no one wants it to be over more than the candidates themselves. how exhausting this must have been. now with that said, see the compassion for the candidates there, thats what happens when we get behind one of them. we start to feel for them. we start to defend them. we start to promote them. hey I’m proudly wearing my Red Sox jersey right now, even though they didn’t win it all …so when someone says something we dont like about our team, or our candidate, we get defensive, “how dare you say those things!” or accuse someone of lying because they bring up a point that you can’t possibly beleive someone you care that much about would be involved in…now it is ok to defend your candidate, but it does go a little far on this site sometimes, hell I’m guilty of saying things myself just to see the response (usually quite predictable ) but its not just on this site, its everywhere people feel passionate about something or someone. politics, being set up to have a right and a left, two opposing points to really make it work anyway, puts the friction in motion from the get go.so a politcal race like this with , well lets face it, lots of unanswered questions about one candidate, lots of mistrust for the other, provides a very fine line between something being a straight out lie or a valid point that hasn’t been cleared up by the candidates yet…spreading lies, innuendo, and rumor is all part of the game, just hasn’t been so apparent in a long time. now if we could just get some straight answers from these guys… well time to decide anyway..it is now in the hands of the people , and I hope they make the right choice, and in my opinion, and if you have been paying attention, you know why, I’m voting for John McCain sis boom bah rah rah rah see what I mean…oh yeah and go SOX!

Answer #19

There are nice ways to back things up. Being mature and wording things in a civilized way is somewhere to start. My only point here is, just because something someone says is not what YOU believe in does mean they are stupid. Everyone is their own person and thats what creates diversity, which is supposedly what everyone wants to respect, but yet they dont.

Answer #20

FYI- you cant lie about an opinion…

Uhhh… yeah you can… its called ‘placating’ or ‘humoring someone’ or simply telling them what they want to hear INSTEAD of being honest. But that’s beside the point.

You can lie about politics. You can spead lies about politicians, you can lie BY OMISSION, to paint an incomplete picture, and present it to others as justification for you opinions.

If you DELIBERATELY base your opinions on LIES, then your opinion is utterly worthless.

Answer #21

Not sure where this is all coming from


Your question states: ‘’Why are people so ignorant and RUDE about politics?’’

I gave you an example of WHY people are RUDE. To which you responded: ‘’…SHUT UP, THAT DOESNT ANSWER THE QUESTION…’’

Can you not see the hypocrisy?

Answer #22

good question

Answer #23

anyone that voted fro Obama is a MORON !!!

What in the hell where you thinking ,never mind you didn’t !!

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