Why am I such a loser

At school everybody hates me they say their lifes would be better if I was dead they beat me up and call me retarded and im in high school so I though it would stop espcially by my own grade or I would get beat up everyday by one of my old friends I hate me life I think I should end my life

Answer #1

Here is what happens: For some reason, maybe something you did or something they did, or for no reason at all these people hate you. Unfortunately they probably don’t know you well enough. I figure because you get kicked around a lot you are quiet at school? Well then nobody gets a chance to know the real you! I suggest you talk to people a little more, slowly. Start with quieter people that you don’t know well either. AVOID the absolute enemies. Eventually try to be friends with some of the nicer people. If all else fails remember life after high school will be way different. You can move far away from that place. What about dreams? Do you have any thoughts about your future? You have the power and the choice, the freedom to do anything after high school. You can meet new people and be more outgoing (be brave!) then. You have a fresh start there! The entire world is out there and you haven’t got a clue. Just wait. Wait until you are out of high school and then decide if you want to kill yourself.

Answer #2

u shouldnt end your life because people dont like you an you is not a loser you need to stand up for your self

Answer #3

You are Not a LOser!! THey are something happened to them to make them that way. report to a teacher, parent gardiean counsler or someone you can trust!

Do NOT end your life! thats just something they want

Answer #4

people in socity are retarded they dont understand feelings of people and its ok to be a nerd or a geek or anything if people think your ugly when you get to your 20s yoll look good and the people who make fun of you for it will have no life and will look like a train wrek and please dont commit suicide I had my father commit suicide you dont want that burden on your family do you? the people in school will continue to make fun of you unless you stop replying let them think there better than you which there not, if you get good grades youll have a life and they most likely wont unless they see the world I do and again please dont commit sucicide

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