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Why am I like this? :/
People somtimes say that I act like a child. Wich bothers me a lot, I mean I’m just being me :/ And mom says I have the mind of a 7 year old kid, and I’m almost 16. And everytime I have a crush on someone or something they say I’m not Girlfriend matereal, wtf? They say I’m more like a bestie and stuff to make me feel alright, but I know its bull crap :/ Got any advices people?
Just be yourself.. there are bound to be someone who appreciates you for who you are…
In this case, you need to actually start identifying the reasons why people feel this way about you. Of course asking people what they think about you or what issues they have with you is by no means easy, but for the sake of you moving on and making progress in life, you need to find out these details and use them to improve (if you actually think their opinions are justified). Talk to your mother first and ask her what it is about you which she thinks is childish and in what ways she feels you can improve. By asking her this, I am not implying that you should accept her criticism. Listen to what she says and let it soak in. If you think her points are good or that there are improvements to make, then see what you can do from there.
I suggest after this you talk to your friends (or just one if you’re not comfortable with asking a number of them). Tell your friend(s) about these issues and ask for feedback and any advice that can be given in this regard. As your friends, they should be able to open up to you like this and tell you what they think or what they’ve heard in relation to these issues. At the moment, collecting feedback is important if you wish to understand what these problems actually are and where they are coming from.
Last but not least, you may wish to actually talk to someone whom you actually asked out. Preferrably someone you didn’t ask too recently. Ask why it is that you didn’t seem like girlfriend material and what they thought of you at the time in that regard. Once again, this comes down to collecting feedback. Once you know what people think, then you can address these issues. If you want to know why people think a certain way, ask them.
However, in saying all this, if I were in your position I would not feel quite as uncomfortable. If I am being me and other people do not appreciate it on the level that I would like them to, then I would then think that is their problem rather than my own (within reason of course). You should not be ashamed of being yourself and if people do not want to date you, then give it time and let someone become attracted to you for who you are. Liking someone does not necessarily mean they are going to like you back (obviously). Give things like that some time and eventually you will find an answer (remember that patience is a virtue).
I know that it may seem hard to accept yourself if those around you don’t seem to, but you have to stay strong (not stubborn, but strong). Don’t alter yourself just for the sake of getting along with others (guys in this instance). You are young and so I suggest you take your youth as an opportunity to be yourself and not hold back as such. You’re only young once, lol. If you really want answers, then by all means, talk to those around you. However, for now I feel that you should relax and be patient (you should talk to your mum though about her remarks). I’m sure if you wait, you will find the right person for you in time :).
do you think you act your age? or coulr they be right?
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