Why am I addicted to Modern Warfare 2?

So here’s the thing, I was never really the gaming type. But I bought this game when it came out, and now its like all I do. Some guys think I’m all cool and what not because I play mw2 and Im a chick but Im starting to lose my actual friends. Like, they call me and I dont answer or I’ll say I’ll call them back and I never do. Ughh. I feel really bad. I kinda wanna stop playing for a while but it’s sooo fun. You know what I mean, right?

Answer #1

because it is SO freaking awesome haha but you have to be balanced in playing games and having a life too..

Answer #2

this happened to me before so my dad held ALL of my games, then I started going out with friends, and when I got the games bac I started to barely play (btw it lasted for bout a month that he had the games) like not even 2 hours a day I would play so just ask someone to hold them

Answer #3

Hmmm. Im sure that one day I’ll stop playing it. And I sure hope I don’t lose my friends. Lol. Thank youuu. :]

Answer #4

I missed out on a lot of social engagements because of Mass Effect 2, so I understand. Don’t worry, it’s a new game, and the appeal will wear off eventually. If your friends are any kind of friends, they will understand that something else can interest you that doesn’t necessarily interest them, and when the game loses its shiny-new sheen, they will still be there.

Answer #5

Yeah, I do that with games all the time, I’m a bit of an anti-social dick head to begin with, and my friends are generally used to me doing this. Don’t worry, you’ll stop eventually and I doubt you’ll actually lose friends because of it.

Answer #6

Hehe, I love COD too! and im a girl! after a while, you will get sick of the game, so dont worry about it. also, maybe like unplug your tv for a while, I mean you cant be THAT addicted (: LOL

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