Who thinks that the world is stupid now?

When I say stupid I mean.. That everybody has to have a cell phone and a nice car and nice clothes and a nice house.. Seems like life is just to impress others and not for ourselfs.. I miss the old days when kids could play out side withouth having to text 24/7 and when life was simple. I understand that change is going to happen and that is life.. But im curious if any ones misses the good old days?

Answer #1

I definitely agree with you (to an extent). There is a fine line between buying into a normal progression of technology, and just buying to ‘have’. I wouldn’t deny anybody their iphone or their other super technologically advanced gadget, but do most people NEED those type of things? No. I have a computer- that’s where I check my email. I don’t need it to bother me on the phone. I’m busy during the day and evening with REAL LIFE. I have a baby to run around after and a job to do, plus various chores and tasks. I do not need to be interrupted (nor does anybody else for that matter) with notifications on somebody’s mindless ‘tweets’ or blog updates.

I think the main problem here is that we are becoming very selfish. We care more about voicing our opinions and talking about what we believe in, than we do about taking care of every day life. We’re so focused on being heard and have such an inflated opinion of our value in society, that we EXPECT people to listen when we spew mindless nonsense on the internet. Mothers and fathers now sit at the computer or in front of the tv instead of taking their kids to the playground or doing a load of laundry/cooking. Dad doesn’t come home from work and play Chutes and Ladders with the kids, he tells them to play by themselves and he turns on the computer- when he’s been in front of one all day! (And yes, I see this first hand with family friends/coworkers). You don’t really need to check your email 30 times per day. It can wait until the kids go to bed. Get back to reality.

I certainly miss the good old days. My son will not be able to play outside unattended. I was able to enjoy that. Life was simpler in the 80’s. Perhaps that’s due to my ignorance as a child, but I know my parents, and their friends, were all a lot more light-hearted in the 80’s-90’s. The economy was better, Cold War had ended, kids played outside safely, there was no internet or cell phone interruption to their daily lives. Yeah, I see where you’re coming from. I wish it was simpler too.

Answer #2

I actually think that in a few years, maybe 10 or even 20, all of this ‘have to have the new cellphone./ipod’ stuff will cool down because it will start to be unappreciated. when EVERYONE has all the ‘cool’ stuff then it will not be cool anymore. I think the world will go back to appreciating talents and hand made things because we are now mass producing everything and soon people will feel a need to have something special and original more than, say, a table, that their neighbors and friends have got the exact same one.

I also think music will start to be more acoustic and less ‘made on the computer’ as it it becoming today. when all the techno and rave music gets boring, people will start recognizing real talent, as opposed to computer generated voices and noises that no instrument could ever make.

but yeah, when all the new stuff gets old and the even newer stuff is just a new version of the new stuff, people will want old stuff that makes them stand out. I’ve actually noticed that more and more teenagers are shopping at second hand shops, as the clothes can come ‘back in’ and are cheap, and one-of-a-kind.

Answer #3

I do agree with you on some things. I think most people do worry about things way too much nowadays and worry too much about impressing other people. And there’s also so much judgemental and close minded people in the world too like people who are against gay people. It’s awful in my opinion how people can be. But yeah I wish it was more simple too but it’s life I guess

Answer #4

well its all up to opinion people wouldnt do that stuff if it didnt make them enjoy life more so it cant be stupid

Answer #5

well… I don know the good old days but really I love texting and everything I can just be whit my friends and have them on the go. And sometimes I do try to impress but its because I like people knowing who I am and also making a reputation for myself. But I do agree there is some people who worry WAY too much about what other people think,

Answer #6


…and let’s not forget: only 70% of the members of FunAdvice are from the US (as you are, I looked up your username…I see why you asked anonymously).

So if you live in a 3rd world country, you live on a dollar per day. You don’t have a cell phone and you don’t have a car, or house, you have a tiny hovel and can barely afford food, clean water is unheard of…

…and you’re complaining…WHAT are you being taught in school? To speak before thinking?

Fun fact: 60% of the world’s entire population lives on less than $2 US dollars per day. Grow up, buy a clue and quit whining about living in one of the world’s richest countries.

Answer #7

Wow, are you an elitist snob!

Fact: unemployment in the US is at a 25+ year RECORD number…you know, people can’t get a job.

Fact: more homeowners who got SCREWED out of their life savings by CEO’s who haven’t by & large gone to jail, OR lost their money (bank of america, goldman, etc)…are essentially living paycheck to paycheck, and if anything happens to those jobs, their house is gone, along with a “reset” on any economic gains they’ve had in the past decade or so.

Are you that clueless OR simply ignorant?

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