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Who think it a good ideaa to let her come over?
Well ill make a long story short. This girl ( who is obsessed with me). Want to come over to my house for the weekend. ( we not dating) and I don’t know if I want her to come over I mean both of us barly talk and I can’t turn my back cause it feel like she staring a hole in my back (lol). A lot of times she just follow me around. She live in a different town (close by) so yea no friends here for her. I thought of trying to stay around some family members maybe they can keep her busy. I just don’t know what to do. She super happy ( that a understatement ). About getting to see me. And I got a very soft heart I can’t be mean to her or tell her no without me feeling bad…help -.- time is ticking as we speak
well dude if you think she is romanticly infachuated with you I would say maybe or if you really dont want to say that you are sick on the day she is coming over and really act it out when you call her if you call her> I fit was my I would say sure but that is just me I am kind of a ladies man although I have only had Two girlfriends but I have a very good social life with the girls. and I know how to be sneacky when it comes to getting out of stuff. so if you have any thing to ask you can send me fun mail im on almost every day. im going to send a friend request after sending this.
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I cant think of any more good questions!!! help me please!! :D - 1 Answers
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