Who should I choose???

Alrighty, well I am going out with this guy who lives like 20 minutes away and his name is justin and weve been going out for almost two months (9/19/09) and its my bffls uncle and I love him but lately things have been different and hes been rude and hes made me cry like three times and then he always makes things better… And then there is my ex-boyfriend jacob and he rides my bus home and its like wierd because im starting to like him again and I don’t know when I look at him and he looks back at me I can see it in his eyes that he still loves me and he does that a lot… And then there is this guy that I just met and his name is kyle and today I told him that I thought that he was cute and he said that I was too but its crazy I reeeally want them all and I know that I cant have them all and I just wanted someone elses point of view… Please help me decide…

                                                                   - always -
                                                                   Erica <333
Answer #1

your just greedy!! chose one and stick with them stop placing them off each other for your own satisfsction, grow up abit or maybe your just too chilish and immature to even be in a relationship!!!

Answer #2

well I do talk to jacob a lot lately… I gave him a note yesterday (9/14) or a couple days ago and I said that he was hot and that if he wanted to we could go to the back of the bus and do some stuff and he was like yaaa maybe sometime and everyday he gets off the bus he has to wave at me!! and its hard because I dont want my friend to be mad at me if I do leave justin and plus homecoming is coming up and he is my date and then on 9/20 I go to the phantom of the opera with him and and then I have his homecoming and then there is this chick named sheila and she is trying to take him from me which is making this even harder because im trying to make her jealous so that justin will stay with me :((( could this be any worse???

Answer #3

If you don’t know who you want to be with then maybe you should just stay single until you figure out who you like more. No need in just dragging them all along this rollercoaster with you…I dont think you’d want to be with a guy who liked two other girls and didn’t know if he wanted to be with you or them.

Answer #4

I think you should start talking to jacob again and see where it goes, you dont need to be in a relationship with someone that makes you cry (justin). the new guy.. why bother with him if you like your ex?

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