Who saw the ring?

I dont know why but instead of getting real scared I was like d: and o.e I saw it yesterday. What were you thinking after you saw it?

Answer #1

It’s just the girl that scares me, I hate it when people move like she does in films. Like in The Grudge, that still scares me and I’m 18!

Answer #2

My first time seeing it was horrifying and scary like when that girls face was green and had her mouth black and opened but after I saw it again it wasn’t scary any more.

Answer #3

I think that for the first time I saw it three years ago… so I was a little scared because I didn’t want a little girl to come out of my tv and kill me. but I got over it. thank god. I guess it depends on who it is though because I really don’t like horror films. :P

Answer #4

Honestly I was quite dissapointed, to me it was kinda stupid, lol but that’s just my opinion

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