Who is your favorite authors??

Who is your favorite author? Whats your fav. book? I like romance,poetry, and paranomal genres. My fav authors are Sherrilyn Kenyon, James Patterson, Gena Showalter, and Jeanine Frost. I have no fav book!

Answer #1

Walter Dean Myers is a great author, his books are basically of the teenage life, going to jail, sex, drugs, and you can really learn a lot from it. Great books one of the best thats won many awards is the book “Monster”

Answer #2

I like vampirezz..

so maybe all the buks by Stephenie Meyer is cool.. all the 4 series (twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn) and I like romance and fun so Cecilia Ahern is my fave author..


Answer #3

Here are my top favorites.

Scott Westerfeild= So Yesterday Peeps The last days Midnighter series Uglies series

Sebastian Rook- Vampire Plauges series

Haddix- Found Sent Shadow Children series


DePrau- The City of Ember series

Cast- The House of Night Series


Steven King- to many to remember


I have a lot more but these are just some that I see one of my bookshelfs. If anyone has any questions about any other good books I may not remember the author of Fun Mail me and we can talk.

Yours in Eternity, Daphne

Answer #4

Fav Book is Tales From the Dark Towers by Jospeh Vargo

Fav Authors Joseph Vargo, John Keats, Poe

Fav Genre’s Poetry, Fantasy, Romantic Fantasy, informational

Answer #5

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod - Heather Brewer Vampire Kisses Series - Ellen Schreiber You’re So Undead To Me - Stacy Jay Generation Dead - Daniel Waters

-Those are about muh favvys. I like zombie and vampire books haha.

Answer #6

James Patterson=LEGEND. Can’t go wrong with him. I reccommend reading the Alex Cross novels. They are briliant. And Maximum Ride novels for that matter. In fact, anything by him is awesome. Anthony Horowitz-Alex Rider Series Alexander Mcall Smith-No1 Ladies Detective Agency series Lynne Truss-Eats, Shoots and Leaves Charles Dickens is a pretty cool writer too. Old but still good. Kate Morgenroth-Jude

Answer #7

I like crime and classics so I’ll go for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle/Adventures of Sherlock Holmes…

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