Who here believes in psycics and spirits and ghosts?

Who here believes in psycics and spirits and ghosts?

Answer #1

I’m a true believer! Because for many years I have encountered them! TY! 4 asking! Beth

Answer #2

No… When you die your gone, besides your physical body.. there’s no part of your spirit that stays on earth.. theres no such thing as ghost if your hearing voices you should go to a psychiatrist..

Answer #3

Nope not at all, I mean, souls and spirits that haven’t moved on, paranormal experiences, how come it has never been proved, when humans can make black holes, make things travel at almost the speed of light, design aeroplanes, travel in space, develop satellities to orbit the earth, and discover other planets, CLONE living things…

And not have a shred of evidence to support the idea that those kinds of things are real.

Answer #4

The bible talks about the spirit world and wrestling with things not seen so “Yes”. I believe in other things not seen. I believe people talk to spirits etc. don’t think they are the loved ones though. The bible says there is a great gulf between them and us when they die. “the story about the rich man and Lazarus”. I believe they are the spirits/ghosts whatever you want to call em are good and bad. Angels and Demons.

Answer #5

they are really. I can feel them when there near me and were they seem stronger at. my little brother can acually see and talk to them , thats a very powerful gift. I also have friends who are able to do some stuff.

Answer #6

There are no psychics, spirits , or ghosts. There is not one shred of evidence they exist. Nothing, nada, zip. Peoples imaginations can make them think they see or “feel” things that are not really there.

Answer #7

There certainly seems to be something on “the other side”. I’ve always felt things before they happen, had dreams that have come to life, and seen/heard some things I can’t explain. I know I am not psychic. Call it a gift or crazy =) “Ghosts” plagued me when I was little and as I was growing up, but now that I am a little older, it seems to have diminished greatly.

Answer #8

Oh- well see I know that im psycic and that my “gift” is that I can sense a ghosts presance and hear ghosts. so im just woundering if anyone else believes in that stuff too :-)

Answer #9

I believe in ghosts/spirits. I’ve had several paranormal experiences that I’ll never forget.

Answer #10

I Doo Lolss :P x

Answer #11

OH I TOTALLY DOO!!!I beliv they re there!! we just still cant communicate with them easily!!

Answer #12

ya I agree with you about them being good and bad april

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