Who has been to a concert?

Awesome news, Britney Spears is bringing her Circus Tour to Australia in November and I’m stroked because she is my favourite pop princess EVER.

Anyway, whose concert have you been too, was it awesome and how far away were you seated from the stage? Was it value for money? :)

Answer #1

you’ll find some killer moshpits at Britney Spears.

Answer #2

Oh my … I remember my fav. … it was back when Woodstock had just happened. I was in boarding school in Switzerland. The producer of Woodstock (just this young guy) - Michael ^something or other^ invited me into his boxed seat at the Montreau Casino (the same casino that Frank Zappa and the Mothers burned down)-you know the song from Deep Purple ^Smoke On The Water^ … anyway that was later, but that night this cute Michael guy pulls me up from the floor into the best seat in the house .. the lights go totally out and this HUGE spotlight hits the two of us as he is given a STANDING ovation. Woodstock was HUGE! After a couple of minutes the applause died down and the music began … Fade to black and suddenly a pink light on Mr. Ian Anderson on flute- the band - JETHRO TULL - the year 1970 - I was 15 … It was breath taking.. Do you remember Aqua Lung or is that too long ago?

The Woodstock Music and Art Fair in 1969 drew more than 450,000 people to a pasture in Sullivan County. For four days, the site became a countercultural mini-nation in which minds were open, drugs were all but legal and love was “free”. The music began Friday afternoon at 5:07pm August 15 and continued until mid-morning Monday August 18. The festival closed the New York State Thruway and created one of the nation’s worst traffic jams. It also inspired a slew of local and state laws to ensure that nothing like it would ever happen again.

Answer #3

way to many to count I’ve saw a lot of metal banmds, alternative, screamo, christian, rap, hip hop, ect… prob around 200+ shows lol that is not including my dvds I have that are concerts that are round 50 lol just came back from emery amazing the devil wears prada was to :)

Answer #4

I went to warp tour, just a few weeks ago with my boyfriend, and its amazing, its basically a music festival with a TON of punk rock bands playing, but the highlight of my day there, was seeing Aiden, I was way in the back of the crowd, but it was still pretty close to stage, to get closer I decided to crowd surf to the front, my boyfriend lifted me up, and tossed me into the crowd, AMAZING day for the both of us!!

Answer #5

I never been too a Britney Spears concert in person but I sou a Britney Spears concert on TV thou and it was veryvery cool too look at.

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