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I started in 6th grade and now im in the 9th and I got kicked out of school for it so I hit that bong everyday. I dont smoke cancer sticks they taste like crap and are bad for your health I used to smoke a few black and mild sometimes
I smoke because I’m addicted…started at 15, because my friends did…or maybe they started because I did…that’s a LONG ways back to remember…
I was instantly hooked after my first cigarette (I was 20 years old). I got so buzzed off the smoke and absolutely loved it. It felt so good, that I didn’t even care that it’s bad. Now I’ve been smoking on and off ever since, and continue to do so cause I’m addicted and because I enjoy it so much. Pretty bad, I know…
At 10 I started with Kent’s swiped from my parents and some German cigarettes that I could buy. I switched to Camel unfiltered at 16 then Winston. Several other brands over the years, and as high as 3 packs a day. At 33 I quit cold turkey and have been nicotine free since.
I started because I thought it was a grown up thing. And my friends were doing it.
Nah, I don’t.
I dont smoke on a daily basis or even weekly but tha first time I tried it was mayb around 14 or 15 and when I do smoke its either marlboro lights or parliament lights I started just because I was curious and unfortunatly I kinda ended up likeing it every1 knows its bad for you but thats why I try not to do it at all because its true when they ssay once you start then you cant stop so yea
jozef how are you getting buzzed off tabacco it doesnt do anything man you gotta hit the herb the thc is what gets you stoned
Ask any smoker and they’ll tell you how buzzed they got off their first cigarette…that is, if they actually inhaled (into the lungs) and smoked it properly. This super-short buzz I got off cigs only lasted for a few seconds and now I never ever get a buzz off them again cause of my nicotine tolerance.
jozef how are you getting buzzed off tabacco it doesnt do anything man you gotta hit the herb the thc is what gets you stoned
I smoke weed and thats bout it I would never smoke a cancer stick!
smoke hookah on occasions annd im 14
dont smoke lol
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