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Who can help me with my ABC Book?
I need help with My History World War 2 ABC Book and I need the letters C - Z thanks for the help.
D-Dunkird/D Day E- England declares war/El Alemain F- Fifth American Army
G-German air raids on Britain H- Hitler I-Italy J-Japan K-Kasserine Pass
L-Luftwafe M- Monte Cassino N-Norway surrenders O- Omaha Beach
P- Patton Gen./Poland Q-? R-Reichstag/Rommel S-Singapore/SS/Sicily/Stalin
T-Tobruk U-U.Boats/Unconditinal surrender of German forces V-Vistula River /V.E.Day
W-Warsaw surrenders X-? Y- Yugoslavia surrenders Z-Ziegfried Line(1944)
Hope this helps…
c. concetration camps d. d-day h. holocaust p. pearl harbor p. president federal roosevelt I don’t know?
q can be the qf 25 pounder, its a weapon
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