Who believes in karma?

Do you believe in it?what is it? And how does it work?

Answer #1

Wow… though this is not a question, I assume you are seeking other opinions. Well, my beliefs are this. I believe that every living creature… animal or human, has a soul. A soul has no gender, but simply takes on the form of a host body as male or female. When a new life is begun, such a a baby, he/she can be a new soul, or an old soul- one with past-lives. The baby’s soul, if an old soul, probably took the form of this baby as soon as its past life ended, and immediately took on the form of the baby, just as it was created. (fertilization) When in the womb, the baby’s soul adjusts to its new form, and develops according to the genetics of the parents. Personality, physical appearance, and personal interests are ALL part of this genetic sort of “disguise” or form that allows them to live on Earth among other bodies. Personality is a quality that takes place in the brain. Personality directs the thoughts, actions and interractions of the individual, but has nothing to do with emotion. Emotion is never directed by personality, rather its something that takes place within the individual, whether they show it or not or HOW they show it will all depend on the personality. Personality is part of the bodily disguise or form that the soul takes. Every creature, animal or human, has an aspiration. What your aspiration is determines the paths that the soul takes. Souls can have their own aspirations, but remain the same in each life. Aspirations identify a soul, what its purpose is for being. Finding this aspiration is a challenge, as most people go through their entire lives and never truly discover their aspiration. Perhaps this is why we reincarnate. Or perhaps maybe a soul is born for the very first time due to the universe’s a lack of a certain quality. The Universe is like a cycle, because energy is never created nor destroyed, its main goal is to find an equilibrium, where all is balanced. (think about Chinese and their connection with chi, and Feng Shui; how it has worked for them for thousands of years) That being said, as everything works in a cycle so to speak, everything happens as a result of a lack of a quality, and everything leads to something else. Its like dominos… a chain reation. Because energy cannot be seen, touched, smelled, etc, people hardly notice its transitions. Energy has unlimited numbers of forms. Heat energy, light, movement (kinetic), and so on and so form. Everything in the universe is made of energy of some shape or form, and it is always changing. Now THIS is where KARMA comes into play. Every little signal that an individual sends out [into the universe], has an affect. Strong wants, desires, dislikes, and ESPECIALLY emotions; whether you are aware or unaware. Where there is extreme negative energy, such as anger or hate, etc; the universe, following this sort of law of equilibrium, naturally takes energy from the universe or where it is abundant, and diffuses the energy where it is lacked, and the energy takes on the form of positive energy, essentially achieving balance. In short, If you send out positive energy, that energy has a positive effect on others. Now THIS is where it gets a little confusing, because chances are, it will go against everything you thought you knew about karma. When you send out negative energy, that negative energy affects those with positive energy, and then the positive energy diffuses where it is lacked. When you are interracting with an individual, you make an energy connection. Have you ever noticed how if someone is in a bad mood, and you are in a good one and you communicate with them, you lose some of that positive attitude, and their negativity seems to “rub off onto you”? Well you have just observed karma. You walk away from one another, each with a changed energy, closer to equilibrium. If you experience an extreme desire, emotional need, or whatever, the universe naturally will put energy where it lacks… in time. Just as if you are extremely happy, or in love, over time, this emotion will slowly fade a little bit, if it doesn’t leave you completely, and absorb where it is lacked. Emotion does not and cannot affect personality, but it can affect your actions, and what you do. exactly HOW you HANDLE your emotions, in other words what you do, ultimately depends on your personality, but is inspired by emotion. So lets take a step back once again, and take a look at the big picture. The universe is a never-ending cycle, and energy, including emotion, karma, and interraction, are all what keeps this cycle in motion. Who knows whether the universe will ever achieve equilibrium… or a perfect balance in energy; the universe will continue cycling until it does, (if ever). And if there is a perfect balance in the universe, what will it be like? How will it make us feel? Or will we feel anything at all?

Answer #2

My point was, what did the starving kids in ethopia or wherever do to deserve what happens to them…

If things come back at you, then what did they do to deserve it?

Answer #3

I totally do! I htink that god, who whomever you believe in, will look at what you’re doing and decide if you’re doing things for other people, or if you’re hurting them, and eventually let your learn your lesson. I think it’s motivation to do good things for poeple

Answer #4

As so many others have said, Karma has nothing to do with starving children…it has ALL to do with freewill…doing the right thing… or trying to rationalize/justify doing what a person knows is not the right thing…One observation I’ve had is…when the Karma bus does finally come, good or bad… it’s comes from an unexpected direction.


Answer #5

yeah, I agree with texaskimme because the kids in ethiopia don’t do anything to deserve karma, so they probably don’t do anything bad.

Answer #6

I believe in Karma … whether your Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, or Muslim, there are always consequences for your actions, whether it be in this lifetime or another. No deed, good or bad is isolated! Even our thoughts can affect another being as our thoughts control our body language which other people read and base their thoughts and actions on.

Answer #7

Karma…oh man yes I believe in it. Karma is when you do something “wrong” or “bad” and then later on something comes back and happens to you. Kinda like say you spit your gum out of the side walk, your bad karma could be stepping in someone els’ gum or spit or something like that. There is also good karma. Like someone does something bad to you…and so you have good luck or they get “punished” for it.

Answer #8

well have you ever heard of what goes around comes around? well anyway karma is if you do something good something good will come back and you will get lucky with something good, but the thing is you dont know when! it could happen the day after,30 seconds after, or even years!! or if you do s0mething bad something bad will come around and get u!!

Answer #9

No I dont believe in karma (somehow it seems unlikely to me that a two year old starving to death in ethopia has done something to deserve it, unless you believe in reincarnation, which I dont…)

A lot of my friends are very spiritual and after plenty of religion classes this is my understanding of it…

Karma is basically a bunch of acts in which “you reap what you sow”. Some of the new age religions describe it as this energy you give out (good or bad) and eventually it comes back at you…

Actually different religions and philosophies have described it differently, but its a pretty common theme among most of the major religions, even if they dont refer to it as karma… If you think about it, God, in the judeochristian tradition, actually functions as role of judge fulfilling the law of karma…

Answer #10

Karma always has a way of coming back and biting you on your butt. :)

Answer #11

Yeah, Karma has nothing to do with the starving kids in Ethiopia. It has to do with your own actions and how it can come back around to get you back.

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