Where Could Sperms Live At??

Okkayy me and my boyfriend were in a pool and we were messing aroundd andd I jerkked him off and he came on my had and on his hand then he fingered me.Could a sperm live in water?Could I Be Pregnant?I am about four days late on my period.I normaly have a regular cycle.Please help me.I am only 16. Thanks for ahead of time for you spending your time to help me.

Answer #1

YES, you could be pregnant and the chances are higher than the above person said semen can live in the air and in the water usualy for around an hour unless there were chemicals that killed it your missed period could be because your pregnant or your not and its from stress to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results and remember to LEARN about sex before you go off having it learn about as well as a male and female reproductive system birth control, contraception, pregnancy and sti/stds don’t have sex until you know the consequences involved with it because the main reason why kids and teens get pregnant and get stds is because of a lack of sex education

Answer #2

I highly doubt that your pregnant, I reckon the odds of that happenin are 100 000 000 - 1 lol

Answer #3

Just please tell me which pool so I know not to swim in it…ick!

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