Where can I get protein?

I’m 14, and have been a vegetarian for about a year and a half. I know that when not eating meat you can get proteins from beans and pills, but my mom only makes red and white beans and I can’t stand those because she makes them too soft and it gives me nausea, so I stopped eating beans. Also, I haven’t taken any pills since I was 11 and had to take Vitamin A for my eyes, and I stopped. I’m scared that I since there are only children pills and adult pills that my parents might buy the adult pills and I might take the wrong dosage. I do eat/love green peas, but I don’t know if peas contain protein. I just want to know where I can get a good amount of protein without having to start eating meat again, because I really do not want to and am set to stay vegetarian all my life.

Answer #1

Proteins are simply large chains of amino acids. Your body can only build 13 amino acids, and you have to eat the other 9 (these 9 are called “essential” amino acids). Your body will digest proteins into their component amino acids prior to absorbtion in the small intestine.

Animal protein is a “complete” protein becuase it provides all 9 of theessential amino acids. Fruit, vegetables, and legumes are non-animal sources of protein. Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, lentils, lupins and peanuts - all of which tend to have more protein than fruits and vegetables.

To ensure that you eat enough of all of the amino acids that your needs needs, be sure to eat a variety of foods. Relying on too few sources of protein may lead to deficiencies. An example of this is is the disease pellagra, caused by a diet low in niacin and protein sources that are low in the amino acid tryptophan. This was, historically, an issue for people that relied heavily on corn in their diet

Vegans (people who don’t eat any meat, dairy, or eggs) are also at risk for developing a B12 deficiency because, aside from fortified breakfast cereals, the only reliable dietary sources of vitamin B12 are animal-derived products. But even vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products consume, on average, less than half the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance of 2.4 mcg of B12.

Bottom line is to eat a variety of healthy foods and consume the appropriate calories for your gender/ideal weight.

You can find great information from the US Department of Agriculture: http://fnic.nal.usda.gov

Answer #2

Tofu is the best way to get extra protein in your diet, it’s healthy, versatile, and cooks very well as it absorbs the flavor of whatever you cook it with.

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