When will I get my period and does it hurt?

when will I get my period im 13 and all of my friends got theres.does it hurt.what will happen.how do I tell my mom.what will I feel.=[?

Answer #1

Relax- you’re only 13! Your body is still adjusting to hormone changes and things like that, and you can’t make it hurry up. You need to wait until your body is ready for it. If it helps, I didn’t get mine until I was almost 16!

It doesn’t really hurt unless you have cramps, and like callherpretty says, you get used to them. Many of them are manageable with some paracetemol. If they are really bad, you may need to go to the doctor, because it could be a sign of endometriosis.

Mums are usually really good to talk to about things like periods because they know what you’re going through. Your mum can talk to you about what to expect, and help you feel a little less worried about it. Just try talking to her, you’ll be surprised how easy it is! :)

Answer #2

Im 14 and I just got mine like 3 months the only thing that hurts is the cramps!!! But just take a pain killer and pit some heat were it hurts. PS. tell your mom because she will have some good tips.

Answer #3

I got mine at 13 it doesn’t hurt well period pain doe’s but that in your stomatch and you shouldn’t feel shy about telling your mom if you can tell the internet you can tell you mom

Answer #4

everyone gets there periods at different ages.

it deffinatly does not hurt except for the cramping. and you will just grow into getting used to that.

you will just start bleeding. and trust me your mom wants to know when it happens. you two haven’t had the period talk yet? you better talk to her now and ask her those questions. every woman has to do it and it’s not somthing that you should feel shy about shareing with your mother.

Answer #5

hey im pretty scared I am 14 and still dont have my period. my mom got hers when she was like 10. is something wrong? help!!!

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