whats your favorite vacation spot?

whats your favorite vacation spot?

Answer #1

the bottom of portugal in europe is lush!

Answer #2

my favorite spot would be lake taho in california . been going to there and disneylad and las vegas for bout 3 years now. absolutley love it.

Answer #3

Myrtle Beach.

Answer #4

At my girlfriend’s

Answer #5

I like beach,so I recommend you to go to hawaii,key west,new calednia,bali,fiji,costa del sol and so on. if I choose one place to go now,it’s MAUI.you can do everything you want,swimming,sightseeing,snorkeling,shopping,evererything is in MAUI.

Answer #6

I’d agree with the first person - Laguna Beach and the whole LA area… GREAT place to visit, especially in summer. also - Key West (Florida) and whole of southern Floria is awesome. dunno about Vegas tho… I personally like a place by the ocean or by a beach. not a place surrounded by desert.

Answer #7

I like the Slender West Lake best. Located in the west suburb of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the Slender West Lake is famous for its scenic splendor. It is 4 kilometers in length and less than 100 meters in width, covering an area of more than 30 hectares. The Slender West Lake is like a tall and slender beauty in comparison with the West lake in Hangzhou. The lake is typical of the Chinese water-based garden art combining the grace and elegance of the south with the grandeur and magnificence of the north.

You can get more imformation in www.foreignercn.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5460:slender-west-lake&catid=95:travel-in-jiangsu&Itemid=196

Answer #8

Vietnam is my favourite vacation place and i think that most of person should visit it, if want to have a memorable vacation. There are so many travel company which offers the best Vietnam travel packages.

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