Whats your beauty regime? To girls only

Whats everybodys beauty regime? ..need some names and tips because starting a new beauty regime …

Answer #1

like moisturisers,tanners,hair stuff,facials,,remedies?

Answer #2

By regime I’m guessing you want to know what beauty products we use on a regular or daily basis. I use Clinique facial products both morning and night - In the morning I wash my fash with the soap (the yellow one that comes in a bar form) and follow that with their toner and moisturiser. At night I use the foaming makeup remover before the soap/toner/moisteriser (I wear makeup everyday so I need to do that). For my body I use Modelco bodywash in frangipani (smells so good) and moisturise EVERY morning and night with Palmers cocoa butter. Twice a week I apply sunless tanning, my favourite being Ambre Solaire ‘bronz up’ and also use a facial mask once a week (Nutrogena Rapid Clear mask) to deep clean my pores.

Makeup wise, I use Rimmel Lasting Finish foundation in ‘nude’ along with Lancome Hypnose mascara and Covergirl Incredifull lipstick in colour number ‘006’. Those are my staple must-have makeup items, the other things like powder, eyeliner, blush I experiment with different colours and brands.

Answer #3

I use only Ivory soap because it makes your skin soft, and does not make it dry out if you use it too much(which I think it is crazy because how can you use too much soap?), and I think it is great. When taking a shower, be sure to wash your hair once day if you have oily hair, and once every other day if not. I first rinse my hair under hot water, then apply shampoo. Next I rinse my hair under cold water. I do the same for conditioner. When you apply conditioner, leave it in for 5-10 minutes and brush through it with a COMB. Soap? You should do the same. First rinse yourself off with hot water, then wash yourself, then cold water. As far as skin goes, the hot water opens your pores, then you wash to get all of the dirt, and the cold water closes the pores. Also, ALWAYS USE SHAVING CREAM WHEN YOU SHAVE!

Every night I use benporox(it is a pharmaceutical acne wash) on my face. It works wonders for keeping away pimples, and getting rid of a few. If you have severe acne, you would work that out with your derm.

In the morning I wash my face with Ivory soap, as a sort of a waking up process. Then I apply Olay moisturizer to my face. As far as moisturizing your legs and your arms, use baby oil. I swear it works wonders. I know it sounds icky, but after it dries your skin is so soft and it is really good for your skin. Before I go to bed I put a thick layer of Vaseline on my lips. In the morning they are so soft and pink!

As far as make up? Liquid foundation=bad. It is bad for your skin and can cause pimples. So I use dream matte mousse POWDER in Porcelain because I am really pale. Take a nice, big powder brush and cover your face evenly. (Make sure you apply make up in the morning after you wash your face.) I too use Lancome Hypnose mascara. I usually do not wear lipstick but when I do it is very pale pink(close to my lip color) and I always put on Berts Bee’s chapstick no matter what. I always wear funky eye make up. One day I had a blue and red eye, the next I had raccoon eyes, I like to get creative. HOWEVER when I am going to an event where I have to be presentable, I always wear the same eye make up. I have the maybeline eyeshadow palette which consists of Brown, Tan-White, and light pink. (Match my hazel eyes) First I put on the thinnest line of black eyeliner on the top and bottom. Next I apply the tan from the top of my brow, and down to my crease. I blend it into my skin with my finger. Then I apply the dark brown to my lid, and fill in the space between the brown and tan with the light pink. It is a really classic look.

Hope I helped.

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