What's the best recovery from anorexia?

Answer #1

Follow a proper balanced diet with adequate calories to build your weight up to the ideal for your height, age and gender.
. I recommend that you aim for a balance of 50% calories from complex carbohydrates (e.g. potatoes, rice or pasta); 20% from protein (fish, meat and pulse vegetables) and 30% calories from fats. . Organize your meal times to allow 4 meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper, and try to eat in company as often as possible, so that they can encourage you to persevere with the higher nutritional intake. . Allow yourself to eat a light snack (e.g. a piece of fruit) between meals to help restore your body’s ability to tolerate regular digestion of necessary nutrients.
. Get adequate exercise and fresh air to maintain your appetite, and help rebuild the atrophied muscles into a more normal robust structure. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #2

okay …. seems like some really good info …. thank you … i will try this stuff out and see what happends !!!

Answer #3

Good luck with it. .

Answer #4

I would not get advice from someone online. I would go seek therapy. Anorexia is a mental illness. Eating a balanced diet is not going to solve the actual problem. If it was that simple, everyone would just come online and figure out how to eat in a healthy way.

Answer #5

i would say to continue therapy cuz it is an illness, so you don’t relapse. and go to group therapy for support.

Answer #6

thank u everybody <3

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