Whats pinkeye?

What is pinkeye? What are the symptons? Treatment? How do you get it?

Answer #1

Humm good question lol. Pinkeye is when you think too hard. Symptoms are Head-acks. Lazyness. and bitccyness. Treatment is peperments and gunja.

Answer #2

Pink Eye is the common name for conjunctivitis. It’s an inflammation of eye tissue caused by bacterial infection. The eye will become reddish-pink and irritated, itcy, watering, maybe painful. Treat with antibiotic cream prescribed by doctor or use warm compress. It is very contagious and is usually transmitted by touch. Be sure to wash you hands thorougly until you are cured and keep them away from your eyes as much as you can.

Answer #3

its conjunctivitious x

Answer #4

Pink eye is really gross. It’s called conjunctivitious in medical terms. What happens is your eye gets all water and feels sorta gooey. You’ll notice it’ll get sorta matted shut and you’l have to use warm not hot… that would hurt! lol water to work it open. There’ll be pus like stuff in it and it’ll be bloodshot. If you notice things like this GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP. The doctor will give you some antibiotics to clear it up. Pink eye is VERY contageous and it’s very possible that if you get it in one eye, it’ll go to the other eye. I have had in in both eyes before… very sucky indeed lol

Answer #5

Yes to all the above. If the cause is bacterial it’s very contageous. If it’s viral it is much less contageous, and likely to be less nasty, but of course it can’t be cured by antibiotics. It can also be caused by dust irritating the eye or a minor eye injury.

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