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It’s always hard to come up with one thing. I’d say either my tolerance or my total antipathy toward religion.
Religion, or helpful
Realizing > I < don’t know everything and Thankfulness…
I’d say how caring I am. I enjoy helping people & animals. I’m the person anyone can always count on.
My family and friends tell me it is my patience.
Apparently I’m rather calm and have a large amount of patience with customers. I don’t think I am but everyone at works complements me on it.
it is my best and worse, i am nice. i do not like making people feel bad and it is impossible for me to purposefully be mean
Politeness. I hate rude people.
Im hilarious.
I’m very persistent. If I want something, I won’t let go of it. :)
devious, scheming and manipulative and mysterious to the point i dont think anyone has figured me out yet !
I’m easy-going and patient with people.
I’d say it’s your charming sense humor and witty personality
I have my fathers personality.. Hes a very stern,blunt, strict man. But I would say I have intuition. I read people very well. I either like or dislike you.
speaking my mind
My religion and kindness
What's your best quality? - 2 Answers
what's your best quality. mine is my personality
what are 1 or 2 personality traits you wouldnt deal with? - 8 Answers
I can't deal with addictive personalities and wishy washy people,
What is the best personallity trait? - 6 Answers
What personallity trait do you value the most in a person? mine is loyalty(:
A person that doesn't fight or like to - 3 Answers
What's a person called that doesn't like to fight and/or refuses to?
How peoples name effect their personality? - 2 Answers
Do peoples name effect their personality?(does all johns have a personality trait)
What is Personal Effectiveness ? - 1 Answers
I no It means this . what you contribute/bring or what effect you can have( wot you bring in the shop.. What else does it me...
Who was the first president to relax in a seven person hot tu - 1 Answers
Who was the first president to relax in a seven person hot tub at the white house?
What is your best 'lol' story? - 1 Answers
best LOL story...make it short and lolable
Is Revenge best served cold? - 3 Answers
Is revenge best served as a cold dish?
which branch of the U.S. military has the best snipers? - 3 Answers
which branch of the U.S. military has the best snipers? coast guard, airforce, navy, army, or marines?
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