What's your opinion on indigenous people?

Answer #1

Um what is anybody supposed to say…? No offense. Hitler was a douche and indigenous people well there isn’t much to say…

Answer #2

Indigenous people? To what or where?

Answer #3

Ease up on Addie.

Answer #4

Screw that! He’s the reason millions of people died. He can burn in hell…

Answer #5

He was a pretty great leader to an extent, though. He lead with fear and lies and had millions of people in love with him.

Answer #6

Through brainwashing…

Answer #7

Exactly, what a brilliant man.

Answer #8

Listen I don’t wanna start a fight on FA… I am not gonna reply after this. He doesn’t deserve respect for giving false hope to millions of Hungry, Angry Germans. Then killing 6 million Jews and being the cause of death for American, Brits and other Nation’s Allies forces. I am glad he’s dead. Just like Osama and Mao

Answer #9

I think they should have more seniority and be left alone

Answer #10

The same as my opinion on people in general

Answer #11

Um… they’re my brothers from other mothers?? Literally, 2 of my 8 brothers are aboriginal.

Answer #12

i think that indegenious people are humans like we are

Answer #13

indigenous people are one of us, if you think about it and look back in family history I’m sure some where along the lines you have one or two an sisters that are and personally i would be proud of it in fact I would be proud to have just meet one. the amount of pain and suffering they went though during the stole generation I’m sure millions of people wouldn’t have being able to cope. and as well i agree with Slashdown about the Hitler thing i oath him. after everything he did to the Jews and other Germans he does deserve to burn in hell as blunt as that sounds its true

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