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Its literally the beginning of the formation of a baby. You bleed but no, not a period.
I know what it is, I was wondering what the bleeding was like, as in light or heavy flow, how long it lasts and stuff.
It’s a spotting of blood. Something you wouldn’t even waste a pantyliner on. Just a couple drops or more.
It’s spotting. It’d just be a bit of blood nothing like your period, either a light pink or a dark brown spotting.
Period or implantation bleeding - 1 Answers
Ok my "period" was like 2 days early and it was light to medium flow, and it lasted 4 to 5 days, the last two days it was str...
Is this implantation bleeding or an early period? - 1 Answers
Hello, today is my 25th day of my cycle.On friday 25th of july I had a follicle ultrasound which was the 17 th day of my cyc...
On my period and strangely my blood is like brown - 2 Answers
I've just come on my period and strangely my blood is like brown :s help!
havnt had my period been like 3 days bleed before - 2 Answers
I really am like lost :O I havnt had my period been like 3 days bleed before but lasted 3-4 days not even im hungry a lot ti...
Could it be Implantation Bleeding? - 1 Answers
So I'm TTC and if I did, then it would have happened on the 13th. I'm 3 days prior to ovulation now, and I started having som...
Curious about implantation bleeding - 1 Answers
This is for those who have experienced implantation bleeding. How heavy was it and how long did it last?
Spotting, is it implantation bleeding? - 2 Answers
I've been pregnant before. Never have had a period though. Now... I think I'm having implantation bleeding... I need to know ...
implantation bleeding - 3 Answers
implantation bleeding can implantation bleeding start before you period? do you have cramps with implantaion bleeding and wha...
How long does implantion bleeding last ? - 1 Answers
I had a period last month but it was light but it lasted for 5days..but this month my period is 4 day late .
Implantation Bleeding and PT - 1 Answers
If I am having what may be implantation bleeding after exactly a week than is it too early to take a pregnancy test?
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