What's the funniest gift anyone has ever given you?

Answer #1

my nan gave me a birthday card that was for a baby boy lol

Answer #2

mine is .. my grandma when I was small like around 9 years old , she bought me an exsersize tape so I could get stronger because my cousin had one too .. but she was like 14 or something IDk & she bought me .. the exsersize tape called .. dancing grannies_- haha

Answer #3

HaHaHa awwwe !

Answer #4


Answer #5

HaHa are you serious !!

Answer #6

my friend got me a pregnancy book and a book on midlife crisis at age 30. it sounds stupid but it was comical XP

Answer #7


Answer #8

Oh where to start…between my husband and my friends ive gotten more than a few. Grow a boyfriend kit. Stripper pole. Cane and a walker this past year. Pen!s cake complete with balls.

Answer #9

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa !!!!

Answer #10

lol no it doesn’t sound stupid !

Answer #11

lol no it doesn’t sound stupid ! haha

Answer #12


Answer #13

wow since when do the make a grow a boyfriend kit? now that’s weird haha…

Answer #14

well my uncle told me that he got me a 4 wheeler for christmas and he give me a little box in it was an old key and a toy car…haha so technically it wasn’t a ‘4 wheeler’ but as he pointed out it did have 4 wheels so watever i thought it was funny

Answer #15


Answer #16

HaHa awwwe

Answer #17

From who? O.o

Answer #18

I wanted lobster for my birthday dinner. I got it, sort of. I woke up on the morning of my birthday with two live lobsters in my bed. Fortunately for me the claws were banded. :)

Answer #19

Thats scary O.o

Answer #20

yikes…that must have been interesting waking up with those things next to you…idk about u but i woulda been outta the bed and out the door in like 2 seconds…haha

Answer #21

HaHa , !! damn .. I agree with Katie & Charity .. I wouldn’t run out of the room but I would jump out of bed in one second

Answer #22

my sister brought me a thong and some pills to stop diarhia and when it came to me opening my presents in front of 26 ppl including my granma…. lets just say not the best bday

Answer #23

HaHaHaHa omgee sorry , that must of been embarssing

Answer #24


Answer #25

i got a stranger for my b-day when i was 15

Answer #26


Answer #27

HaHa I wanted to ask that too but I was afraid of the results haha

Answer #28

*oops I mean reply haha O.O

Answer #29

I got a mr. bean teddy bear and it made me laugh thinking about mr. bean. I was feeling myself as mr’ bean

Answer #30

I just sort of scrunched up at the head of the bed and screamed my head off.

Answer #31

lol yeah my neighbor shes a s!ut and she picked one on her way and said here happy bday.my parents called the cops i was paralyzed.the stranger followed me for 2 hrs till my parents and the cops took care of him

Answer #32

for real i was thinking the same thing…wat’s up with that?

Answer #33


Answer #34

haha idk about screaming but like i said i woulda been gone haha

Answer #35

wtf thats crazy !!

Answer #36

i agree

Answer #37

i got hello kitty underware and the worst part is i opened up in front of the class

Answer #38

haha i feel bad for u…

Answer #39

i know lol..omg i was terrified myself..

Answer #40

I would have been 2…

Answer #41

HaHa omgee I would have been humiliated !


Answer #42

Ahah ! I’m sorry that is funny in the end , as long as your ok(: & yea like Charity said , I would have been 2 haha !

Answer #43

LoL you stood on the bed & yea I feel you Arwythe because I scream for every little thing that scares me haha

Answer #44

Woahh… that must have been terrible. I think you deserve five points for having to go through that :)

Answer #45

Ick.. those things are like giant spiders or something! I would have probably had a heart attack if something like that happend to me… O.o

Answer #46

there’s no probably to it for me i know i woulda had a heart attack haha

Answer #47

haha, u shouldve seen the cops face expression ..tdid you report a stranger with an under age grl? i looked at my parents i was like”this guy is following me..the cops : O.o

Answer #48

i can just imagine haha

Answer #49

oh man LoL

Answer #50

Toilet paper with reindeer on it…. I got it 2 years ago from my Grandma for Christmas :|

Answer #51

it wasnt that bad i dont know i dont really get imbarred easilly but thanx for the 5 points everyone

Answer #52

hahahahahahahahahaha did you use it or do you still have it? lol

Answer #53

Hahah. I used it to remove my makeup :L

Answer #54

HaHa awwwe I would of saved it ! thats too funny

Answer #55

no problem…and i’m just saying but if something like that happened to me i would’ve been completely mortified

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