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The best foods are vegetables, low glycemic fruits, lean meats (skinless chicken, lean turkey, egg whites), fish and learning about portion sizes are key check out http://funadvice.com/r/15u7dj6romv for info
Stay away from starches
basicaly eat like a diabetic. trust me. i am diabetic and the food i eat helps me by
- keeping me from going into sugar overload
- getting enough sugar in me
- keeps me healthy
- (my fav) keeps my thin
Eat LOTS of vegetables - raw and cooked, fresh or frozen (but not so much white potatoes) - and lots of fruit. Switch from meat and dairy to beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. If you continue to eat animal-source foods, stick to lean ones - fish, chicken breasts, non-fat dairy - and not much even of those. Avoid processed foods. Especially avoid all sweeteners and all refined grain products. Stick to whole grains only, and not so much of those. Sharply limit all refined oils or butter. Eat three regular meals a day, without snacking in between. By eating LOTS of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, you can make those meals LARGE, satisfying, extremely nutritious, and low calorie. Read “Eat for Life” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman (http://funadvice.com/r/brensj77iqo.
Don’t know why that link doesn’t work; something about the parentheses, I suppose. Here it is again:
Stay away from Sugars, starches, alcohol, fatty meats. Eat lots of vegetables, the less sugared fruits, lean meats, lots of water!
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