Whats a real turn on?

I know people always say the good things about a guy…trusting him or some crap…well its not crap but its not what Im asking about…what turns on a girl if youre like hugging and kissing and stuff…can you say something that might turn them on?…Im not trying to get her in the mood or something but Im always kissing her body and stuff but I never know if she truly likes it…help!

Answer #1

All girls are different. For example a really good friend of mine only goes out with total dicks. Her last boyfriend was a drug dealing coke snorting abusive a$$ and now she is going out with a complete alco gimp. Its such a shame too cause she’s a beautiful, funny, sexy girl and she is drawn to wasters aaah!! Some women are beyond help.

Answer #2

kiss her neck. and rub her back while doing it DONT TRY TO TOUCH HER BUTT

Answer #3

yeah everyone is different but I like when my boyfriend whispers nice stuff in my ear…so maybe try that? :D

Answer #4

everyone likes different things, so ask her what she likes(:

I love when I’m hugging my boyfriend and holds me really tight and says that he never wants to let go, it’s so cuteee !

just say really sweet things, but make sure you always mean them.

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