what wrong with guys?

why do guys only go for thin girls?

Answer #1

The problem is that fact isn’t true, there are definitely guys who like girls with some meat.

Answer #2

I don’t know I ask myself that too but I think its just because their skinny not fat lol I don’t know

Answer #3

lol I thnk thts kinda a sterotype cus its like half of da dudes go for the thin girls and half of them go for the kinda bigger girls and sum of them just don’t really care about apperances that much you no

Answer #4

Its not always true..me & my sister are “big” and we both have boyfriends..and they are both really skinny..and they love us the way we are..because they like our personality and they don’t care how big we are..just got to find the right guy.

Answer #5

I am a guy, and I like girls because I like them. appearances do not matter, I love their personalities.

Answer #6

I prefer defined girls. Like, not skinny, not fat. Curvy, I guess.

Answer #7

i hate skinny girls , thier such bitches and dont know sh*t about anything ( might be a sterotype buh idc :) ) anyways , ilove girls with some mean on them , theres a difference between beng fat and having a beautiful body thats lustful . just because you have some mean on you , and when i grab her hips id like to grab her HIP , NOT her hip bones , nasty.

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