What would you do if there was zombies on earth?

What would you do if there was zombies on earth

Answer #1

But then you would bring zombies out into space. It would be dead space all over again.

Answer #2

I better go get my “Zombie Survivor Guide.”

Answer #3

see my psychiatrist, because obviously something is wrong .

Answer #4


Answer #5

if zombies happened to be real I made a plan when I was in middle school to move into the middle of the jungle in hawaii and live in a tree house with loottsss of guns haha not the most air tight plan but luckily I dont have to worry.

Answer #6

Well… probably go get a cage and get a couple for tests and stuff. Like if there were ten or something id take them all into cages and I dunno… Shoot them or something in the arm and stuff so they dont die? XD

Answer #7

Find an isolated island, get my family and friends, and a few hundred people for genetic diversity, and preserve humanity until all of the zombies die off.

Answer #8

I would get a whole bunch of guns… grab my family and food and live on either a boat or a airplane or find a way into space…

Answer #9

go to space and live on the moon. the moon the next earth lol

Answer #10


Answer #11

the best idea is HIDE YOUR KIDS HIDE YA WIFE AND HIDE YO HUSBAND and lock and load

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